Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog.

. . . It's 2:00 am. Everyone is in bed in a deep slumber in anticipation of tomorrow's busy day. I should be sleeping too as I have a very important meeting tomorrow morning. Still, my weary mind remains active and troubled. It's an especially dark and quiet night which only makes the situation seem more dire. Panic is starting to set in. I am alone. You ever notice that the harder you try to sleep the more awake you become? It's like your body is telling you it hates you and wants you to suffer. #%&$% you, body. I'm not going out like this. I've never cared much about you anyway, hence the chips and cigarettes and partying when I was younger. I abused you and understand your anger but if you let me get just one night of rest, I swear I'll treat you better. No time for pleading. What is that noise? Do you remember as a child when you would be all freaked out from the strange noises you would hear in the middle of the night and your parents would tell you that it was, "the house settling"? What does that even mean? I call BS.

My Dog is the only one who bothers to brave the cold night with me. He's a big, hairy, slobbery thing, but loyal. It doesn't help the situation that the slightest noise from outside sends him into an hour long panic in which he runs around the house whimpering in fear. This does wonders for my already unsettled heart. Still, I appreciate his nightly companionship despite the fact that he makes me feel like I am going to be murdered any moment because he heard a leaf blowing across the back patio.

So what drives this bothersome episode of insomnia, keeping me from enjoying the same serenity and peace as my unaware family? To tell you the truth, my impatient friends, it's this very blog!

Honestly, I've been wanting to put together a blog for some time now but factors in life and work and a minor, but nagging dose neurosis has kept me from doing so... until today. Now, I'm sure that you are wondering why starting a blog would take such a toll on my mind and sleeping patterns.  As nosey and intrusive as your constant questioning may be, I'll answer... I worry about failure. What if no one reads my blog. Even worse... what if they do and don't like it? Immediately, insecurity sets in prompting me to trash the entire idea. But, what kind of message would that send to the kids? Are we quitters? Do we live in fear? Are we conscious or even slightly aware of our imperfections? NO! So why worry?

I hope to update this regularly. Don't expect substance... don't expect meaning... don't expect "intellectual content." Expect an easy going blog that will focus on everything from craft beer and homebrewing to humorous stories in the news. I appreciate you stopping by and please check back soon.  Cheers and take care!

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