Wednesday, February 22, 2012

10 Commonly Observed Facebook Faux Pas.

Look, I'm like everyone else in the modern world in that social media has become a major part of my everyday life. After all, if not for the magical world of Facebook and Twitter how would I ever know that my childhood friend just got engaged or that my High School girlfriend just had her eighth kid? I wouldn't, which is why I check in with Facebook more often than Charlie Sheen checks into rehab. What can I say.. I love the attention it offers and it doesn't help that I have started measuring my self worth by how many "likes" I can accumulate. I have also, however, personally observed a number of activities on Facebook that I believe occur outside of what is considered "human-like" behavior. I've narrowed it down to the top five for your reading pleasure:

1. Talking Smack About Facebook... on Facebook. Look, ultra cool hipster guy, I understand that it puts a damper on your look-good to admit that you are on there for the same reason that the rest of us are, to stalk... network with others, but it's getting a little old.

2. Acting As If You Are Making a General Observation in an Update, When in Fact You Are Sending a Personal Message. I'm just saying that I have noticed that SOME PEOPLE like to act as if they are speaking generally but are actually publicly airing a grievance. You know who you are...

3.  Talking About Illegal Activities on Facebook. Yeah, Brah... I'm like... totally stoked that you are blazin' it right now but you just like... TOTALLY incriminated yourself.

4. Liking a Girls Update When She Goes From "In a Relationship" to "Single". Yeah, she just ended a long term relationship and is going to be completely blown away by your "liking" of it. Here is an illustration.. You hear it this way---> Joe Likes This... awwww. Okay? She hears it this way----> Joe liiiiikkkkeesss this... in creepy predator voice. See the difference?

5. Changing Your Relationship Status in Anger. Erica is In a relationship. Erica changed her relationship status to "It's Complicated." Erica changed her relationship status to "single" Erica changed her relationship status to "engaged." Yeah, we know that you're fighting.

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