Look... I'm not one to put to much stock in the World's definition of, "manliness." At least not in the traditional, "I'm going to spend all day drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, watching Nascar and hating things" sense of the word. Humanity is evolving and I'm not one to fight nature.
I do, however, hold to the truth that we, as Dudes, owe the world a favor and the feminization of American men has little to do with getting smarter and more to do with the laziness that accompanies modern innovation. My Dad had many flaws and may have spent more time out of my life than in it but he knew how to change a tire, read a map, mix a drink and hit on easy girls at clubs. Mad props, pops.
The truth is that many men today don't know how to be men, at least not without asking Siri to explain it. We are content with the idea that while we may not know how to accomplish even the most elementary of "man tasks," it is simply a reflection of the technicalization of society and to fight it would be to self-identify with traditionalism - a bad word, indeed.
So, here we are... smart phone in hand, begging about.com for the best possible appletini recipe on one screen while praying to Jah that we don't accidentally "double-tap" the instagram of the girl we've been stalking for 3 months because God forbid we actually let her know that we're interested. And while I'm on the subject, Dudes, stop being so meek. If you think by commenting on some chick's "where are all the sweet guys" status with some nice guy act is going to get you anywhere, you deserve the very public rejection you are about to receive.
I'm talking to myself here. I'm making a commitment to learn something new each day. I've been sucked into the trap of thinking that to learn how to do things that may not be 100% necessary today would be a waste of time, when I think I've been missing the point. I have a son now. I want my son to know how to be a man. I want him to be smart, funny, cool, empathetic and.... wait for it... strong. It has to start with us, guys.
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