I haven't updated this blog in quite some time but before you start trying to crucify me (you bunch of uncaring onlookers) I have a good explanation. In fact, I have more excuses than you do for not reading my old posts. Anyone can play the blame game. Lets be civil..
The truth is... life has been a bit overwhelming. Some big news... GOOD NEWS... but very, very big news has come to light. After 3 years of "trying" my Wife and I are expecting another child. On a side note, whenever a couple tells me that they were "trying" I almost instantly picture them having and ungodly amount of sex. Anyways, no time to get into that. Just know that if you have ever shared with me how long you were "trying" before you were blessed with your little bundle of joy, I was picturing you doing the dirty... but at the same time, thrilled for you and your little blessing.
Now, I'm not the kind to get overly emotional about things like this but I had an opportunity to hear my unborn baby's heartbeat for the first time and they even snapped a little picture. I can't wait to meet him/her. I have that feeling all over again that I had when I found out my daughter was on the way. It is unbelievably strange knowing that this little parasite dwelling in my wife will someday grow into a human that I will love like no other. He or she will someday call me daddy, sit on my shoulders, go through a time of complete resentment and hopefully get over it in time to call me daddy again. My Dad wasn't around much and as much as I don't understand why, I love that we have an opportunity to change things for our kids.
Also, we have a new Bevmo by my house giving me access to more beer. I've been busy because of that as well... drinking lots of beer.
Cheers and take care!
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